Large scale illustration pieces, rendered digitally with colour. Various pieces created for study projects, commissions or architectural offices

A_Portus_Coram Sanctuary_small.jpg


720mm x 430mm

Drawing Shortlisted for the RIBAJ Eyeline Competition 2017

This illustration encompasses the story of a Great Ormond Street Hospital visitor and their spatial relationship to the proposed sanctuary Centre.

The project features a network of enclaves and garden spaces in the urban fabric, culminating in a new centre of respite for visitors to GOSH. Addressing aspects of daily care that medical specialists in the NHS cannot, it provides a program of therapeutic activities and emotional support within a natural setting.

Creating a shared kitchen and garden to connect the Sanctuary centre with existing nursery, it explores the processes and interactions between parent, patient and play. The juxtaposition of essential hospital elements with contrasting natural, ‘dirty’ outdoors, explores a potential relationship and integration of the two.

The illustration abstractly traces the journey from a dense urban setting at Great Ormond Street to the lively foreground proposal, using strip elevations to tell the story in one image.



810mm x 594mm

Drawing Shortlisted for the RIBAJ Eyeline Competition 2017

Airpocalypse is a narrative illustration completed for a group Design Think Tank project at the LSA.

Tackling the growing issue of air pollution within urban centres, we pedestrianized main roads in London, re-appropriating the space for public use and educational programs. To implement the scheme, incremental active measures would set precedent in the city, resulting in a car-less clean air environment. Children are a highly vulnerable demographic in polluted air environments, so the proposal seeks to immediately reduce pollution around the worst affected school locations.

The A1 illustration is composed as an abstract timeline focusing on Edgware road as a central thread to the image. Following the narrative from the existing polluted London skyline it portrays the initial activism and spatial propositions designed to raise awareness. In the foreground it illustrates a future clean air environment, complete with community library, gardens and play streets.

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Illustration Commission for Pace Engineering

2017 700mm x 500mm

Drawing commissioned by Pace Engineering of their Kuwait University Campus. Image completed to celebrate 50 years of Pace Engineering. Pen and ink with digital colour.

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Campus Illustration

594mm x 594mm

Illustration completed for a university campus brief for Cullinan Studio

Study in Water

1000mm x 500mm

Illustration completed for the Refleet, Study in Water project


Medusozoa Installation


Glastonbury Tropitardis Pavilion